Tag: back to school
Jul31Tips for a Smooth Back to School Transition (for all ages!)
No one really wants to think about it yet (well, maybe some exhausted parents do!), but ‘Back To School’ is upon us. Many kids will soon exchange late nights and lazy mornings for homework and early bus rides. For some families, it’s a welcome shift back to scheduled normalcy, and for others, it’s more challenging…. Continue Reading
Sep105 Projects to Tackle Once The Kids Are Back in School

It doesn’t matter if your kids are headed to pre-school or high school, ‘back to school’ can be a bittersweet time. Still, as much as we might miss the carefree days of summer, many parents enjoy the change of routine and maybe even getting a little time back to accomplish a few organizing projects. Not sure… Continue Reading

The long days of pools, popsicles and BBQs have been replaced with text books, pencils and homework. And whether parents are celebrating the return of 5-day-a-week classes or mourning the loss of lazy summer days, all families face the craziness that goes along with getting kids – and parents – ready for school. Here are five simple… Continue Reading