Category Archives: Organization Tips
Jan115 Fun Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

With the holiday season behind us, the magic of a winter wonderland can quickly fade into the monotony of a dreary cold front. But while we may not be lighting candles and singing carols anymore, there’s plenty of ways to enjoy the coziness of winter, with no gift-wrapping required. Here are 5 fun ideas to… Continue Reading
Sep105 Projects to Tackle Once The Kids Are Back in School

It doesn’t matter if your kids are headed to pre-school or high school, ‘back to school’ can be a bittersweet time. Still, as much as we might miss the carefree days of summer, many parents enjoy the change of routine and maybe even getting a little time back to accomplish a few organizing projects. Not sure… Continue Reading
Jun20Simple Summertime Tips For Keeping The House Clean (Even With Kids Around!)

It’s true, cleaning the house with kids around can feel like raking during a tornado. Here are some simple tips to help keep your house clean (or at least clean enough…) during the long summer days when kids are home from school. ⇒ Eat as many meals and snacks as possible outside. Let the squirrels… Continue Reading
May11Five Helpful Tips To Get Ready For Summer

While it may feel like spring just started, summer is around the corner! Time to look forward to longer days and warmer temperatures…along with bored kids and more yard work. Here are 5 simple tips to help ease your family through the transition from the hustle and bustle of the school year to the long… Continue Reading
Mar17Spring Cleaning 101
Spring is a wonderful time – the weather gets warmer, birds chirp and flowers bloom. But it’s also when we begin to notice all of the household chores that have been piling up over the winter. For many of us, our kitchens, bathrooms, windows and backyards spent the winter ‘hibernating’ under layers of clutter and… Continue Reading
Feb09Tips For Traveling With Kids

Spring Break is fast approaching! For many of us, what was once a carefree trip filled with parties and questionable choices is now a carefully-planned vacation filled with strollers and sand toys. Although it take a little extra planning, traveling with kids creates wonderful memories to last a lifetime. Here are a few tips to maximize the… Continue Reading
Jan155 Organizing Projects You Can Do In An Afternoon

According to The Statistic Brain Research Institute, “Get More Organized” was the second most popular New Year’s Resolution in the United States (second only to “Lose Weight”). If you are one of those people who is looking to add some calm to the chaos this year, here are 5 organizing projects that can have a… Continue Reading

The long days of pools, popsicles and BBQs have been replaced with text books, pencils and homework. And whether parents are celebrating the return of 5-day-a-week classes or mourning the loss of lazy summer days, all families face the craziness that goes along with getting kids – and parents – ready for school. Here are five simple… Continue Reading
Feb23Pegboard Organization Tips
We love the feeling of being organized, and since you’re reading this blog we’re guessing you might too! You may have seen some of our previous organization blogs, like our shower organization ideas and under-sink storage solutions. But today we’re excited to talk about a tried and true organizational tool – the pegboard! Popularized in… Continue Reading