Category Archives: Lifestyle
May16Tips on Creating a Summer Bucket List

Summer is around the corner! With longer days and warmer weather, the possibilities of summer are endless. Maybe that’s when summer ends, it can feel like we didn’t do half the things we were planning to do! To avoid that scenario this year and to help wring every last drop out of the summer months,… Continue Reading
Jan3010 Indoor Hobbies for Beating the Winter Blues

Feeling the winter blues? Fear not! There are lots of indoor hobbies that can make these tedious winter months more fun and fulfilling. Here are 10 great hobbies to try that don’t require even taking off your slippers.
Jun0610 Ways to Enjoy a Little “Me” Time

The promise of Summer is about here, and we can’t help but notice how hectic this time of year can be. From end-of-year performances and graduation parties to work deadlines and yard work demands, this time of year can be anything but relaxing! To help you ease into summer, here are 10 simple-yet-satisfying ideas to… Continue Reading
Mar07Celebrate National Craft Month With Ten Spring Crafts!

SPRING IS IN THE AIR! Birds are beginning to chirp, spring flowers are around the corner, and we’re all getting restless for a new season. Fortunately, Spring also provides not one but two festive occasions to celebrate with kids – St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Since March is National Craft Month, we thought we’d celebrate… Continue Reading
Feb0110 Fun Facts About… Pie!

While many people across the country are celebrating love and romance this month, here at S.O.S® we’d like to recognize another important blessing of everyday life…pie. Yes, February is National Pie Month, which means we’ve got 28 days of excuses to turn on the oven (or head to our favorite bakery), and indulge in our… Continue Reading
Jan115 Fun Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

With the holiday season behind us, the magic of a winter wonderland can quickly fade into the monotony of a dreary cold front. But while we may not be lighting candles and singing carols anymore, there’s plenty of ways to enjoy the coziness of winter, with no gift-wrapping required. Here are 5 fun ideas to… Continue Reading
Dec0210 Holiday Gifts That Don’t Come From A Store

Ready or not, the holiday season is here! And with the season comes an abundance of gatherings, food, and presents. What if this year you could find the perfect gift without having to step foot in a store? Without having to spend time comparing prices on websites? And without adding more “things” to our already… Continue Reading
Nov0710 Simple Ways To Make Someone’s Day

Did you know that World Kindness Day is observed each year on November 13th? Can you imagine if for one day the entire world could treat each and every person with genuine kindness? What an incredible day that would be. While we can’t control the entire world, we can influence the world around us. And… Continue Reading
Oct05Ten Quick & Easy Halloween Costume Ideas!

When Halloween season comes around, there are typically two types of people. The first kind spends weeks decorating the house and preparing elaborate family costumes. The second grits their teeth, hoping every time they check their email they won’t see an invite to any kind of party that requires them to come in costume. Do… Continue Reading
Sep105 Projects to Tackle Once The Kids Are Back in School

It doesn’t matter if your kids are headed to pre-school or high school, ‘back to school’ can be a bittersweet time. Still, as much as we might miss the carefree days of summer, many parents enjoy the change of routine and maybe even getting a little time back to accomplish a few organizing projects. Not sure… Continue Reading